Takaful is similar to a conventional mutual insurance platform in that it pools risks and provides members (participants) life(family takaful) and non-life(general takaful) benefits but in a way that is compatible with Sharia law. Under Takaful, the pool’s investments would also need to be Sharia compliant.
Actuarial Partners Consulting has been active in takaful insurance consulting since 1984, in all aspects of takaful from company setup to Appointed Actuary work. Our clients include companies using both mudharaba and wakala takaful models, and range in location from Saudi Arabia to Malaysia. For many assignments we are involved from the conceptual stage until product launch and continue to remain involved throughout the actuarial control cycle.
For many companies a feasibility study is the first step in the establishment of a takaful operation. Actuarial Partners can provide studies on:
- the market potential for the company, and
- analysis of the risks such as the potential cannibalization of traditional business if a parallel akaful company is established by an existing conventional insurer
Our consultants can assist from the initial planning which includes conceptualisation of these takaful models to implement until product launch, with our services grouped into three areas:
Financial Model Development
- Determining appropriate distribution channels and types of products sold
- Determining the necessary capital and other statutory requirements
- Determining the model to use
- Developing the charges, compensation and reinsurance quotes (including sample projections)
Shariah Council Assistance
- Preparing submissions to the Shariah council for approval of the takaful model
- Developing brochures, underwriting forms, sales illustration and claim forms
- Modelling charges and compensations structure
Operations and Regulatory Assistance
- Preparing submissions to the Regulators for approval for the model and basic concepts / structure of the operations
- Submissions to the Regulators for approval for all products, forms and other operational aspects
- Assistance in testing of the system based on the final product design and wakala charges
- Financial investigation and actuarial valuation
- Potential sellers/purchasers identification and evaluation
- Brokering negotiations between parties
- Due diligence on financial as well as strategic and operational aspects
- Identifying synergies
- Company restructuring prior to and after the sale
- Independent opinion to regulators
- Identifying the factors affecting deal price, with a view to maximize the value for the seller or assess potential risks for the buyer
A conventional company operating in a changing market may find converting its operation from a conventional setup to a takaful setup as an attractive option. We can advise on the optimal route to his conversion, taking into account that need to honour existing conventional contracts and advise on the best takaful model to adopt.
This option enables the shareholders to retain the company’s existing critical operating size and optimizes the capital when switching from a conventional to a takaful environment.
- Assistance in determining relevant industry benchmark
- Assistance in developing industry surveys to ascertain industry standards and operator’s opinion
- Analyzing the reasons for insurers position in the industry
- Assistance in determining relevant industry benchmark
- Assistance in developing industry surveys to ascertain industry standards and operator’s opinion
- Analyzing the reasons for insurers position in the industry
- Range of retakaful levels to test by class of business ( separately for surplus and excess of loss)
- Underwriting risks to be included (i.e. focus on major classes of business)
- Aspects to be simulated, including expected number of policies, claim size, claim frequency, risk of business by size of sum assured, claim run-off rates and reserving patterns
- The level of interaction between volatility of investment return and retakaful arrangements
- Classes of business which must be combined due to inadequate claims data information distribution to use for each aspect being simulated
Profitability Analysis
- Company profitability projections, both for the company as a whole under various scenarios as well as business subsets.
- It is also used to determine the appropriateness of existing, new or proposed products
Capital Management
- Capital requirements projections under various scenarios. This can be used in assessing the cost of capital in order to give assurance to participants and maximize the return on capital to the operator.
Asset and Liability Modelling (ALM)
- Project invested assets and policy liability cash flows using deterministic or stochastic modeling. Projections are performed using different economic scenarios, risk level of assets, new business written and level of capital requirement. They are used to understand and quantify the level of investment risks due to mismatching between assets and liabilities.
- This analysis can also be used to assess the impact of falling sukuk (Islamic bonds) yields and volatile equity markets on benefits to the participant as well as managing investment risks by product redesign.